Whales normally live in the open waters of oceans, but sometimes individual animals swim from the Atlantic Ocean into the ...
Humpback whales are not typically seen in the Baltic Sea, which has shallow water and is connected to the North Sea by the Danish Straits, according to the WWF. Instead, they prefer the open ocean.
A whale has been freed by a team of wildlife experts from fishing nets in the Baltic Sea nearby a beach resort on Poland’s ...
The Baltic Sea region is on alert and the NATO alliance has boosted its presence after a series of power cable, telecom and gas pipeline outages since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.
The Baltic Sea region is on alert and the NATO alliance has boosted its presence after a series of power cable, telecom and gas pipeline outages since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Most were ...
Total volumes in February 2025 of 3.4m lane metres were 3.6% below 2024. North Sea volumes were below 2024 due to lower automotive volumes and a slowdown ...
Whales normally live in the open waters of oceans, but sometimes individual animals swim from the Atlantic Ocean into the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits. Sea rescuers watch a whale that got ...