Carbon pricing is a crucial climate-policy tool. By assigning a monetary value to greenhouse-gas emissions, it creates incentives for firms to emit less and generates revenue that can be spent on ...
Carbon pricing schemes in Australia and Quebec mean almost half of Rio’s emissions are subject to penalty and would soon cost $940 million per year if not tackled. The proposal backs a similar ...
Asian businesses will need to prepare for a world where they pay for their emissions—and adjust their strategy accordingly.
DEFINITION: A policy which imposes a tax on fossil fuels in a bid to provide an incentive to invest in low-carbon power generation. It aims to provide a stable carbon price by setting a universal ...
Carbon pricing could be one answer in mitigating the effects of the climate emergency. Economists widely agree that introducing a carbon price is the single most effective way for countries to ...
AT A GLANCE • As organizations make carbon neutral pledges, more are turning to carbon pricing instruments to hedge positions. • Since their launch in 2021, more than 200,000 carbon offset ...