Einst war er selbst Spitzenpolitiker der CDU, jetzt übt Christian Wulff Kritik am Wahlkampf der Partei. Er spricht von "große Fehlern".
He has vowed to prioritize European unity and the continent’s security as it grapples with the new Trump administration and Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Ein Sauerländer im Kanzleramt? Bald könnte es so weit sein. Mit CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz würde ein Mann Regierungschef, dessen Weltbild stark von seiner Heimat geprägt ist. Eine Spurensuche in der Prov ...
Berlin. Kaum hat er die Wahl gewonnen, wird Unionskanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz deutlich freundlicher zur SPD. Selbst in der Frage des Geldes. Das geht allerdings auch nicht anders, denn bis Ostern s ...
Merz expressed concern over changing relations with Washington under the Trump administration, emphasizing the need for gradual independence from the U.S.
Merz, a man who has never held a government role, is preparing to take the reins in Germany just as the country faces economic and diplomatic crises.
Zum Weltfrauentag brauchen Frauen keine Blumen, sagt Redakteurin Eva Dahlmann-Aulike. Sie fordern in unserer Wochenkolumne ...
But, although he will not become chancellor for some weeks, Friedrich Merz, who won Germany’s election on February 23rd, has ...
Friedrich Merz, head of the conservative Christian Democrats, has vowed to bring stronger leadership to Europe, where the new Trump administration has sowed anxiety. By Steven Erlanger and ...
Friedrich Merz, the 69-year-old veteran German politician with a hardline stance on migration and a love of aviation, is set to become the country’s next chancellor after emerging as winner in ...
BERLIN — The opposition conservatives led by Friedrich Merz won a lackluster victory in Germany’s election Sunday and Alternative for Germany doubled its support in the strongest showing for a ...