Old Earth Shotgun is a Common Shotgun Weapon in Starfield. It uses 12G SHELL Ammunition and deals 73 Physical Damage. The base stats for this weapon are listed in the tooltip above. The Damage ...
There's a new Creation in Starfield celebrating the 31st Anniversary ... Crucible Blade, and shotgun, as well as some themed plushies that can be used to decorate outposts and spaceships.
As I played Starfield for 160 hours or so ... It’s practically a Golden Gun, making the already not-hard-enough Very Hard difficulty a cake walk, and what’s the point of playing when you ...
While you may be a pirate in Starfield and robbing things already ... hundreds and hundreds of rounds of ammo for every type of gun you have, a huge boon given how ammo starved you will often ...
Experiment A-7 is a Unique Rare Shotgun Weapon in Starfield. It uses 15X25 CLL SHELL Ammunition and deals 119 Physical Damage. The base stats for this weapon are listed in the tooltip above.