Kongo - Konflik bersenjata di Kongo membuat warga mengevakuasi diri dari Goma, Republik Demokratik Kongo. Begini potretnya. Warga Kongo, yang mengungsi akibat bentrokan baru-baru ini antara ...
Ethnic Hutu militia, following their defeat by Tutsi militia based in Uganda ... The investigative journalists Michael Kavanagh and Dan McCarey revealed that the Kabila family was at the centre ...
Sekarang Ethiopia sudah berubah, walaupun perang saudara masih mengancam, minimal perang etnis antara Hutu dan Tutsi yang menghancurkan itu, sudah tidak ada, sehingga Ethiopia punya kesempatan untuk ...
Pemerintahan yang memiliki celah karena kematian sang presiden kemudian diambil alih oleh pemerintah Rwanda lainnya yang anti-Tutsi, genosida pun dimulai keesokan harinya dimana para tentara, polisi, ...
Ethnic Hutu militia, following their defeat by Tutsi militia based in Uganda ... The investigative journalists Michael Kavanagh and Dan McCarey revealed that the Kabila family was at the centre of a ...
Kondisi itu akan memudahkan pemukim Tutsi dari Rwanda untuk mengambil alih lahan-lahan pertanian di Kivu. Pemberontak M23 bisa bergerak cepat di Kivu dengan dukungan persenjataan rudal antitank dengan ...
He later formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front with other exiles, which ultimately brought him back to Rwanda in 1994 to overthrow the genocidal Hutu authorities that had killed some 800,000, mostly ...
For three decades, the FDLR has operated with impunity in the DR Congo despite its direct connection to the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi. This group, composed of Hutu ...
Rwanda has long pointed to the alleged presence of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), whose leaders were involved in the 1994 massacre of ethnic Tutsis, over its border in ...
Both countries have long been dominated by their Tutsi minorities, leading to tensions with the Hutu majority. Many more are thought to have arrived in 1994 during the Rwandan genocide ...