PRK MAHKOTA | Akmal berkata dia memang sering berulang alik dari Merlimau ke Mahkota bagi memastikan kelancaran kempen.
首相安华宣布,联邦政府将拨款1300万令吉,作为吉打州水灾后的援助用途。 他说,这笔拨款将用于捐助、清洗工作及维修遭水灾破坏的基础设施。
Antara premis yang diperiksa termasuk klinik, restoran, bengkel kereta dan beberapa perniagaan lain yang menggunakan nama ...
As all Malaysians know, a great deal was achieved in the early years of affirmative action, particularly in allowing the ...
巫青团长艾科玛亲自否认,自己因在清真认证课题杠上行动党副主席郭素沁,而受促避免到马哥打助选。 《自由今日大马》今天引述他说,他自9月7日起就一直往返马哥打,以确保竞选活动顺利。
MAHKOTA BY-ELECTION | Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh denied that he was asked to stay away from the campaign over ...
《马新社》报道,约200名雪州警员在联邦后备部队、雪州宗教局、士拉央市议会的协助下,于今早6点30分在万挠的菁乡岭(Bandar Country Homes)开展是项联合行动。
LETTER | Suaram lodged a complaint with the French authorities in 2010 regarding alleged corruption/bribery of Malaysian Officials pertaining to the Scorpene deal with DCNS (now called Naval Group).
Bekas menteri undang-undang Zaid Ibrahim menggesa agar kerajaan tidak menghukum perniagaan milik Global Ikhwan Services and ...