O'Brien's Pub in Kearny Mesa was named the best beer bar in the country Wednesday by USA Today. The ranking marks the second ...
Manchester City and Belgium legend Kevin De Bruyne's time in the Premier League could be nearing an end with an MLS switch a potential option for the 33-year-old ...
SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — A Kearny Mesa pub has gained national recognition for the second year in a row. O’Brien’s Pub, located at 4646 Convoy Street, was named the No. 1 beer bar in the United States ...
TBR Football's Graeme Bailey exclusively confirms Manchester City star Kevin De Bruyne is close to finalising terms with San Diego FC.
SAN DIEGO — O'Brien's Pub in Kearny Mesa was named the best beer bar in the country Wednesday by USA Today. The ranking marks the second time in two years that O'Brien's has topped the publication's ...
Kevin de Bruyne is not close to an agreement with San Diego, contrary to reports, leaving the Man City icon in limbo, with the club's stance on a contract renewal clear ...
The Belgium international is into the final six months of his ... Despite his hint at being interest in ending his career in the Middle East, an MLS offer looks more likely with San Diego FC ...
San Diego’s interest in De Bruyne has been ongoing for several months, with the MLS club considering the 32-year-old as a ...
O'Brien's Pub in Kearny Mesa was named the best beer bar in the country for 2025 by USA Today, it was announced Wednesday.