In the treacherous waters of the Bering ... sea, and some of the most harrowing and painful injuries reality TV has seen. All of this is driven by the high profitability of the specific crab ...
This is the fishery context of the Bering Sea ecosystem, especially for finfish (as opposed to crab species, whose populations are quite low). First, it is clear that there have indeed been many ...
A new study completed at Kodiak’s NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center implies that ocean acidification, not ocean warming, ...
In 2021, researchers reported a shocking disappearance in the Bering Sea. Not of people, but of Alaskan snow crabs. And it's taken scientists years to understand how tens of billions of ...
and 25 species of marine mammals. From the earliest days of its exploration, the potential for an immense harvest was recognized and exploited. Today, the U. S. Bering Sea fishery contributes over ...
King crabs, found primarily in shallow coastal waters of the Bering Sea, are much larger with spiny ... King crabs are probably one of the largest crab species in the globe: individual members ...
Many marine mammals, sea birds and fish in the northern Bering Sea feed primarily on benthic species. Walrus and bearded seal, which are key subsistence resources for Alaska Native people in the ...