In fact, one female returned repeatedly to stare at ... as if they would be pleased if you chose to join them. Beluga whales can live up to 80 years. Mother belugas give birth to babies that ...
Beluga whales are known for their friendly and curious ... It marked the first time the belugas, both female, had been in the sea since they were taken from a Russian whale research centre in ...
In fact, one female returned repeatedly to stare at ... as if they would be pleased if you chose to join them. Beluga whales can live up to 80 years. Mother belugas give birth to babies that ...
Bella, another female in the enclosure ... Jacobsma said. The largest beluga whales at the aquarium have grown as long as 14 feet (4.26 meters) and weigh over 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms ...
Bella, another female in the enclosure ... Jacobsma said. The largest beluga whales at the aquarium have grown as long as 14 feet and weigh over 2,000 pounds, and it is not uncommon for them ...
Bella, another female in the enclosure, helped the newborn to the surface before Naya took over. Director of Animal Behavior and Training Charlie Jacobsma interacts with a beluga whale calf ...