The newest Southern Resident orca, J62, was confirmed as a female calf after the Center for Whale Research had an encounter ...
Researchers previously believed that a small, bushy seaweed in the Baltic Sea belonged to a species called narrow wrack. New ...
Opus. It’s a musical term — meaning a set of compositions — that honors his father Beethoven and nods to the high-pitched songs that have led to these ...
I've been gaga for beluga whales ever since I was a little kid (along with probably every other 80s/90s kid who grew up ...
A peachy-colored baby killer whale was seen bonding and socializing with her family off Washington, drone footage shows. The ...
She’s behaving normally,” Michael Weiss, a research director with the Center for Whale Research, told KIRO Newsradio. “And that we were able to confirm the calf’s sex, and it’s a female ...
In fact, one female returned repeatedly to stare at ... as if they would be pleased if you chose to join them. Beluga whales can live up to 80 years. Mother belugas give birth to babies that ...
The guidance states that it "recognizes there are only two sexes: male and female. HHS will use these definitions and promote policies acknowledging that women are biologically female and men are ...
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Marine experts have given up hope of rescuing more than 150 false killer whales that stranded on a remote beach on Australia’s island state of Tasmania, officials ...
The Center for Whale Research says it has confirmed a new killer whale calf in a pod of endangered orcas that live off B.C.'s southwest coast is female. It's a piece of good news for J-pod, after ...
But if you’re looking for the moment that he called “one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen in my life,” don’t miss the pod of four blue whales cavorting. “These are the ...