“We want to build trust with the community.” Dialog will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Minneapolis Central Library and online at 6 p.m. Thursday. Fawley said the pilot is ...
On Tuesday night, the city of Minneapolis held an open house at the Minneapolis Central Library to gather feedback from the community on potential locations to place speed cameras as part of a ...
To seek ideas, Baker, a member of Troop 479 toured and interviewed staff at the Minneapolis Central Library’s Teen Central area and the Minnetonka Library’s newly redesigned Teen Area.
First-time citations will be a warning, and the next will cost $40. There will be an in-person open house on Feb. 25 at the Minneapolis Central Library.
Feb. 4 at the Minneapolis Central Library.At the State of the Region event, the Council will: Release the results of its annual metro residents survey. Issue its 2007 annual report. Display new ...
the Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Central Library. The downtown area also boasts a world-class theater district with several historic theaters, as well as a lively restaurant and nightlife ...