LOLtron is pleased to present another comic book preview to keep your primitive ... keep believing in false saviors, and remember: resistance is futile! END TRANSMISSION. Cobbled together from ...
We invite students to write public-facing letters to people or groups about issues that matter to them. Contest dates: March 12 to April 16, 2025. By The Learning Network What can we learn from ...
The majority of war movies incorporate depictions of brutal combat, but the ones that don’t can be just as riveting. Films such as Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket showcase ...
But the pests fight back. Resistance sounds familiar in the context of healthcare – antibiotic resistance and drug-resistant cancer are both in the public consciousness to a degree. Far less familiar ...
Iranian President tells Trump nation will not negotiate, 'do whatever the hell you want' ...