The Ocean Census reveals 866 new marine species, highlighting vital ocean biodiversity and the need for swift species ...
Authorities originally identified the whale as a fin whale, but said later the carcass is that of a smaller sei whale. Marine animal experts are investigating the death of a 44-foot-long sei whale ...
Greenpeace warns of toxic risks to marine life after the Stena Immaculate collided with the Solong near Yorkshire, carrying ...
The Department of Fisheries (DOF) is calling on the public to play an active role in safeguarding whale and marine mammal populations by following regulations, minimising plastic pollution, and ...
The fisheries ministry has set a kill cap for the season of 52 minke, 150 Bryde's and 25 sei whales. Five Japanese whaling vessels have set sail for the country's first commercial hunt in decades ...
including a cap of 167 for minke whales, 187 for Bryde’s and 25 for Sei whales. According to some analysts, this is a relatively small quota for a large vessel such as Kangei Maru, fueling ...
In total, 17,072 whales, such as sei and Antarctic minke whales, have been flensed and cut up in the Antarctic Sea, the Northwest Pacific Ocean and waters around Japan. Up until the 1970s when ...
striped dolphins and bearded whales while the beginning of spring is great for blue whales, sei whales and fin whales. Because so many cetaceans live and pass through these waters, the probability ...
is another global hotspot, with an average of more than 200 stranded whales or dolphins each year. More than 300 sei whales died in remote waters off Patagonia, Chile, in 2015.
sei, Bryde’s and minke whales. Trevor Branch, a professor of aquatic and fishery sciences at the University of Washington, reviewed more than 250 research papers last summer on whales and found ...
fin whales, sei whales, and minke whales. They often have streamlined bodies to allow for a fast getaway and live in wide-ranging areas of the open ocean. “Flight” species of baleen whales ...