It’s not the least bit surprising that Jaden Agassi had a racket in his hand from the time he could walk. The problem was accuracy.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer rallied EU leaders to shore up their borders and throw their full weight behind Ukraine ...
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A private lunar lander carrying a drill, vacuum and other experiments for NASA touched down on the ...
Jason Kilburn’s daughter Caroline is your typical happy 2-year-old girl. To the government, Caroline is not Caroline. Instead ...
The USDA will invest another $1 billion on top of roughly $2 billion it already spent battling bird flu since the outbreak began in 2022.
Only elections decided by 1 percent or less would be eligible for recounts in Iowa, and only local elections officials and their staff would conduct the recounts under legislation advanced this week ...
A California boat captain captured rare video of a super pod of more than 2,000 dolphins breaching off the coast of Monterey ...
A few days later, my daughter posted a group photo from which I am absent. When I asked my husband about it, he replied, "You ...
The company plans to test everyday living with robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous, zero-emissions transportation in its $10 billion Woven City.
The Cyclones left no room for tomfoolery on Saturday, getting revenge for Caleb Love's three-quarter court buzzer-beater in ...
Iowa House and Senate lawmakers are considering appropriating money to a program that matches dollars provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for recipients to purchase more fruits ...