The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
If you would like to add your name to our distribution list and receive any of the Manitoba Markets reports by email, please email us at [email protected] and specify which report you’d ...
PED is a virus that causes severe dehydration and diarrhea in pigs. The virus is generally fatal in very young animals, however older animals can recover. PED is not transmitted to humans or other ...
The following guidelines pertain to programs that provide Manitobans who are currently in receipt of income assistance or who are employment disadvantaged, with an opportunity to participate in ...
The TGI Williston Basin 3D Geological model is based on a database of unit tops picked by geologists from selected drillholes penetrating the majority of the post-Precambrian stratigraphy and mapped ...
The Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit (CEDTC) provides a refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in community-based enterprises ...
Manitoba’s Workplace Safety and Health Act and associated regulations are in place to protect the safety and health of workers in Manitoba. View the official versions of The Workplace Safety and ...
Employees who have been impacted by inappropriate conduct (e.g. sexual harassment, harassment or bullying) have multiple avenues to report the behaviour or seek support and assistance. Complaints of ...
Manitoba 511 is a digital traveller information service provided by Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure to help you plan your routes safely and efficiently across the province of Manitoba. The ...
To provide information and assistance to Manitoba residents with enquiries about Manitoba income tax, tax credit programs and program applications. To monitor all program claims to ensure accuracy, to ...
Grasshoppers are a diverse group of insects with many ecological roles. There are 85 species of grasshoppers in Manitoba, and 180 species in Canada. There are 4 species of grasshoppers on the Canadian ...
The act allows service providers to collect, use and share personal information about supported children and their parents or legal guardians without their consent. Timely sharing of information among ...