Is there one word for both horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal ...
Apr 19, 2014 · In this case, I like the term axial to describe a direction that is along the horizontal or vertical axis relative to the current position. Axial - situated around, in the direction of, on, or along an axis.
single word requests - X, Y, Z — horizontal, vertical and ...
Jan 31, 2012 · If x and y are horizontal, z is vertical; if x and z are horizontal, y is vertical. The words horizontal and vertical are generally used in a planar (2-dimensional) sense, not spatial (3-dimensional). Which is the reason you may not find a word corresponding to the third dimension along with horizontal and vertical.
expressions - Is x plotted against y or is y plotted against x ...
The convention is that x would occupy the horizontal axis, while y occupies the vertical axis, regardless if x is plotted against y, or y against x. Visually, which often would appear mutually indiscriminatable for 1-1 mapping plots.
etymology - Origin of the phrase "pit of despair" - English …
Nov 9, 2022 · The pit of despair was a name used by American comparative psychologist Harry Harlow for a device he designed, technically called a vertical chamber apparatus, that he used in experiments on rhesus macaque monkeys at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the 1970s. - Wikipedia Curious if y'all might have some thoughts.
What is the structure from which a sign is hung called?
Nov 29, 2021 · My grandparents had a structure at the last cattle guard before their ranch house from which a sign with the name of their ranch hung. It was two vertical poles, with a horizontal crossbeam, I gues...
punctuation - How to Write an Address in a Single Line? - English ...
May 30, 2019 · I agree, this question is pretty opinion-based. That said, in my opinion you want some kind of separation between elements other than just commas. Common solutions include middle dots (which come in various weights, ·• , depending on your character set) as @choster recommends, or vertical lines (|).
single word requests - What is the name of the area of skin …
Apr 29, 2014 · Upper lip is everything between the mouth opening and the base of the nose. Lower lip is everything between the mouth opening and the chin. Vermilion zone is the pink, non-wet part of the lips. Cutaneous lip is the skin-colored part of the lips. Philtrum is a vertical subsection of the cutaneous upper lip, between the ridges under the nose.
Equation X is given "by" or "as"? [closed] - English Language
Jul 12, 2024 · Both options are unnecessarily bloated/pompous. 1. Equation A (simply) is x+y=z. 2. This equation can be written (or even given) as x+y-z=0. 3. On the other hand, the vertical height y is given by x+y=z. (This third example parallels @EdwinAshworth's comment; here, "A is given by B" means "A can be determined/found using B" and does not mean "A ...
A word for forward/backward movement
May 19, 2015 · The word you're looking for is longitudinal. (Wikipedia: Aircraft Principal Axes) Which is defined as: (Google: define longitudinal) running lengthwise rather than across For surface movement, lateral and longitudinal are perpendicular. To create 3D movement just add the vertical axis for vertical movement.
What is the difference between "solidus" and "slash"?
Feb 2, 2011 · According to wikipedia, The solidus ( ⁄ ) is a punctuation mark used to indicate fractions including fractional currency. It may also be called a shilling mark, an in-line fraction bar, or a fraction slash. (...) The solidus is similar to another punctuation mark, the slash ( / ), which is found on standard keyboards; the slash is closer to being vertical than the solidus. These are …